Bike Parking & Security
There are many ways to reduce the risk of bike theft, at home and away.
Where to Park Your Bike
The best place to park a bike is a secure location, such as a bike locker, bike room or garage. Some car parkades have bike racks and are monitored, which can help deter theft.
If you don’t have access to a secure location, park and lock your bike in a visible area. Avoid leaving it in the same place for an extended period, such as overnight. In urban areas, on-street bike racks are often available and highly visible.
Any bike lock can be broken or cut with enough time and the right tools.
Use 'U-locks' or folding locks to lock the bike frame and one wheel to the rack or pole.
Cables or chains are easier to cut; use them as secondary locks for wheels and saddles.
Bike Parking Tips
Lock your bike to a proper bike rack whenever possible.
Be sure your lock passes through the frame and one of the wheels; use a cable to secure the second wheel.
With quick release wheels, consider removing and locking the front wheel with your rear wheel and frame.
Metal posts or rails permanently bolted to buildings or the ground can also be used if there is enough room.
If using a pole, make sure your bike can't be lifted over the top of the pole.
Try to lock your bike near other bikes; high-traffic areas can discourage theft.
Remove your bell, lights, pack, and any other accessories or gear; consider removing seat posts with quick release mechanisms or secure them with a cable.
Remove batteries from e-bikes before walking away.
Serial Numbers & Theft
Every bike should have a unique serial number, which helps discourage the illegal re-sale of a bike that has been reported stolen. To avoid buying a stolen bike, make sure its serial number is visible and has not been obscured in any way.
Bike theft coverage can be added to many home or renters insurance policies
You can often find your bike’s serial number on a sticker or embossed on your bike, as well as on your record of sale.
Register your bike with a bike theft recovery service, like 529 Garage.
In the case of a private purchase (ie. Craigslist, Facebook), look up the serial number in public bike registries like 529 Garage and the Canadian Police Information Centre stolen bike database.
What To Do if Your Bike is Stolen
File a report with local police immediately.
Report it with a bike theft recovery service.
Share details of the theft on social media, including photos and serial number.
If you have property insurance, your bike may be covered—check your policy or ask your broker.
Search for your bike’s serial number in public registries and theft recovery services
If you find your bike online, call the police non-emergency line—do not try to recover a stolen bike on your own.
Bike Theft Statistics
Over 2 million bikes are stolen in North America every year; bike theft accounts for $1 billion in losses annually.
In 2020 in Vancouver, 334 reported bike thefts were reported per 100,000 people.
In 2019 in Victoria, bikes were three times more likely to be reported stolen than cars.