2024/25 Board of Directors


Peter Ladner Chair

Peter is a retired author, columnist, politician and business owner. He was first elected to Vancouver City Council in 2002, re- elected in 2005, and ran for mayor in 2008. Peter has been publisher, president and part owner of the Business in Vancouver Media Group, which he co-founded in 1989 and for which he wrote a weekly column for 28 years. He has more than 35 years of journalistic experience in print, radio and television and has been a frequent speaker on business, community, transportation and food issues. From 2018-2020 he was Chair of the Better Transit and Transportation Coalition, a group of business, labour, environmental and health organizations advocating for better transportation options in Metro Vancouver, He has been a commuter and recreational cyclist and cycling advocate for more than 40 years. He is the author of The Urban Food Revolution: Changing the Way We Feed Cities and a former Fellow at the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue. He is also on the board of the Cultivate Canada Society. He has been the board chair of The David Suzuki Foundation and The Natural Step Canada.

Executive Committee Chair
MVA Reform Committee, Member

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Cheryl Sillitoe

Based in Kamloops on the traditional lands of the Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc, Cheryl works as a Project Manager with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure's Integrated Transportation Planning Branch. She has experience in both provincial and local government, and a passion for building vibrant, sustainable communities. Cheryl joined the BC Cycling Coalition Board in spring of 2021 to expand on her efforts to promote safe and accessible alternatives to the single occupant vehicle for all British Columbians as part of her personal and professional interest in transportation planning. Cheryl spends much of her free time cycling in both the urban environment and off-road on either her gravel or mountain bike throughout BC's interior.

Active Transportation Policy & Strategy Committee Chair


Melanie Hyde Vice-Chair

Melanie was re-elected Chair at the 2020 AGM, having served 5 years on the BCCC Board to date. A 30-year cycle commuter to Vancouver General Hospital, Melanie served on the advisory committee for the VCH Cycling Centre, encouraging and mentoring colleagues. Melanie volunteers during the summer with BCCC’s Kids on Wheels program, and participates in a variety of charity rides and triathlons across the province.

Kids on Wheels Committee Chair
Executive Committee, Member

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John Calimente - Board Secretary

John loves to walk and cycle for both transportation and recreation and is focused on making these activities safe for all ages. He is a transportation planner experienced in interagency cooperation and collaboration, project management, and stakeholder engagement. John has developed, planned, and led the design and construction of major active transportation and streetscape revitalization projects for both local governments and with private industry. He was a founder of the Sustainable Transportation Coalition and also volunteers with Cascadia Rail, a non-profit dedicated to connecting Vancouver, Seattle and Portland with high-speed rail.Profile coming soon.

MVA Reform Committee, Chair

Board Secretary and Executive Committee Member

Patricia Dehnel

Patricia is an active transportation advocate, and finds walking her preferred way to travel in her mountainous home town of Nelson. Patricia has lived in (less hilly!) urban places where her pedal bike met her transportation needs. She is a Registered Professional Planner passionate about healthy built environment, community connection and inclusiveness. Patricia works with Kootenay Local Governments on land use planning, active transportation and community energy efficiency programs. Also, as a member of the local West Kootenay Cycling Coalition, Patricia leads a vision project to develop an inclusive, accessible, multi-modal active transportation network in the region.

Active Transportion Policy & Strategy Committee Member

Lisa Dorian Treasurer

Lisa had an extensive career as a financial executive, internal audit executive, corporate trainer and entrepreneur. Lisa’s most recent venture before retiring was co-founding a highly successful education technology company. As a cyclist, Lisa was a competitive road racer, competing throughout the Pacific Northwest and at national masters events. One of Lisa’s greatest achievements was winning the Canadian National Masters Time Trial Championships back to back in 2008 & 2009. However, Lisa always preferred training to racing, and so still spends 5 days per week riding for fitness. Although, she is much more relaxed and will even stop for coffee (and pie) now!

Finance Committee, Chair

Executive Committee Member

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Clyde Scollan

Clyde is a life-long cyclist, frequent bike commuter, long distance rider and bicycle vacationer. Clyde worked on behalf of employers in Canada’s construction industry for over 30 years, most recently as President of the Construction Labour Relations Association of BC. He is a former appointee to the BC Infrastructure Board which oversees government-funded infrastructure projects in the province. Clyde is currently enjoying a mix of part-time work in private consulting and business development for the BC Provincial Council of Carpenters. He looks forward to advancing the goals of the Coalition and the exciting opportunities that cycling represents for British Columbia’s residents.

Fundraising and Outreach Committee, Co-Chair

 Kay Teschke

Kay is a retired UBC professor whose main research was occupational and environmental health. She always enjoyed biking to work and for fun, but saw cycling in a different light after her daughter was born. This inspired a new research direction called “Cycling in Cities”. It focused on which route types increase or decrease injury risk, and which encourage or discourage biking. It has contributed scientific evidence for building safe routes that motivate cycling. Since then, she has contributed to municipal, provincial, national, and international policy agencies on cycling issues, including reviews of traffic deaths and injuries, benchmarking, helmet laws, and design toolkits.

Anastasia Lukyanova

Anastasia grew up in Russia where cycling and walking were the norm and car ownership was uncommon. Having experienced the contrast between where she grew up and car-dominated North American communities, she became passionate about safe and people-friendly urban, suburban, and rural environments.

Now based in Powell River, BC, Ana works as the Sustainability Planner for the City of Powell River. In her role, she leads all of the City’s active transportation work - her main focus and passion. She has led the development of the City’s first AAA Bicycle Network Strategy - an ambitious plan for a complete all-ages and abilities cycling network linking all key destinations in the community. This plan has been adopted by Council into the Official Community Plan and she has secured grants for a number of key projects that are currently in the implementation phase.


Any active member of the BCCC is eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors. To learn more, send our Directors an email