June 18–19, 2024


Organized by:


The Honourable Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, will present a keynote speech on Active Transportation

Welcome to the Active Transportation Summit 2024, hosted by BC Cycling Coalition. I look forward to seeing you all there and discussing the exciting developments being made in active transportation.


Platinum Sponsors

The Province of BC is a Platinum + Sponsor, providing the majority funding support for the 2024 AT Summit.

Translink is a Platinum sponsor, providing funding, compass passes for guests, and bike valet services.


 The only Active Transportation Summit in British Columbia is Back!

2 Days of Mission Driven Content

With a program carefully curated around all aspects of Active Transportation and different perspectives and speakers, you will walk away inspired and with actionable insights to keep Active Transportation moving across British Columbia!

300+ Change Makers

The summit attracts a mix of planners, engineers, leaders from local and provincial governments, industry, nonprofits, and academia that are actively working on more sustainable ways to move our communities.

Celebrating the

Joy of Active Movement

Movement is joy and joy is fundamental to making connections and building relationships. That’s why the conference is infused with moments of movement: through walking or cycling tours, audience engagement during sessions or live music during networking.


Accelerate Active Transportation in BC 

Thank You for Joining Us at the 2024 Summit


The 2024 Active Transportation Summit took place last week, and it left us inspired and motivated by its success.

This dynamic two-day conference, supported by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and organized by BCCC and movmi, welcomed over 330 participants from diverse sectors, including planners, engineers, government leaders, First Nations representatives, industry experts, nonprofits, and academics for collaboration and innovation.

We are inspired by everyone’s energy, optimism and enthusiasm. Now, let’s build on this momentum!

Let’s Keep Moving!


“The AT Summit was one of the best conferences I ever attended. For one, it is quite the achievement to have a mix of policy makers, engineers, lobby groups, users, etc. all in the same room discussing ways forward together… the panels were of high quality… content was interesting. And, it was fun! Many conferences are held in big halls with dimmed lights with speakers pouring out lots of information on overly worded ppt-slides. This ATS was dynamic, interactive and had fun elements like the jeopardy quiz or the Lego blocks town planning challenge… Please let me know whether you are going to make this a sequel, which I hope you will!”

“Fantastic speakers both days, great conversations, diverse attendees, indigenous representation and call to action (“come talk to us”!), the works. It was so valuable for us to connect with some of the different groups that are all coordinated in delivering active transportation in BC because we get lost in our chaos of the day-to-day. I was particularly interested in how shared bike/scooter operators could be leveraging our data to support groups like the Ministry, Destination BC, Go-by-Bike, to better support the data/evidence in investments made in cycling networks. I’m looking forward to many follow up conversations to come.”

Amazing summit. Can’t wait for the next one!”

“Extraordinary how ATS brought together policy makers, including mayor and minister, lobbyists, engineering companies and generally interested citizens, in a collaborative attitude.”

“So well organized. Just a buzz of positive energy for the full 2 days. So well done!”

“It was wonderful to hear from Minister Fleming and Mayor Johnstone. Thanks for including them.”


Speakers that Inspire, Innovate, and Influence

We bring together thought leaders and change makers in the Active Transportation space. Our amazing attendees get to learn the best of the best, from the best of the best. Stay tuned for an all-star lineup!


Learn. Network. Action.

Dive deep into insightful sessions. Uncover the latest trends, innovation and research that are shaping the future of mobility. Connect with like-minded professionals, policymakers and advocates and forge relationships that transcend the summit!


Celebrate the Joy of Movement

Movement is joy and joy is fundemental to building relationships. That's why our Summit is infused with movements. There are 5 excursions ranging from walking tours to e-bike tours. Space is limited so register now to reserve your spot! Registration is open until Friday, June 14.



Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors