White Paper: Making Roads Right for Ride-hailing
With the prospect of the provincial government clearing away legislative hurdles for ride-hailing companies to begin operating in BC next year, the BCCC has issued a white paper entitled, “Making Roads Right for Ride-hailing”.
With smart planning, policies, taxes and regulations, the introduction of ride-hailing could provide British Columbians the unique opportunity to see their communities positively transformed, including the planning and development of safer roads that are more attractive to people walking and cycling, alongside the introduction of new technologies that can more effectively accommodate the transit, taxis, goods delivery and automation needs of our urban and suburban centres.
In fact, it is our belief that revenue derived from the integration of ride-hailing to our transportation sector, including related tax and licensing changes, can fund the implementation, operation and enforcement of:
Pick up/drop off zones;
Protected bike lanes;
Transit lanes and priority measures; and
Sidewalk and streetscape improvements.
Other measures that can ensure passengers safety, congestion and emissions reduction in a “made in BC” approach to ride-hailing, include:
Mandate or incentivize the use of small, lighter vehicles that are less likely to seriously injure people walking and cycling
Ensure that pedicabs, tandem bicycles & electric Low Speed Vehicles (LSV) can be used for ride-hailing
Require that only electric or pedal powered vehicles can be used ride-hailing
Mandate pedestrian and cycling collision avoidance systems
Enforce zero tolerance for distracted driving and stopping in bus and bike lanes
Enact a safer passing law, increased penalties for dooring, blanket speed limits under 50km/h and other Motor Vehicle Act updates
Fine the ride-hailing companies for driver infractions to incentivize them to find solutions to prevent infractions.
Establish distance-based insurance & mobility pricing for ride-hailing
Read more in the white paper.