Thank You!
Dear Member,
Every new and renewing member helps fund our efforts towards achieving the vision of safe and accessible cycling and active transportation for everyone in BC!
Insurance Discount
Bicycle Broker Insurance are a team of experts in Bicycle and E-bike insurance options. Based in Vancouver, their BikePlan online policy builder is a thoughtfully designed resource for the cycling community. Members of the British Columbia Cycling Coalition receive an exclusive discount on BikePlan's three optional coverage recommendations - Liability, Personal Accident and Theft/Damage coverage.
Membership Gifts
Please indicate below if you would like to receive an exclusive membership gift as a token of our appreciation.
Actively Advocating for You
Please read on for a brief update on our 2022 advocacy efforts - the outcomes of which would not be possible without your support!
BC Safe Routes Now, a new joint project between the BC Cycling Coalition and SFU’s Cities, Health and Transportation Lab is underway beginning November 2022. Together we are identifying the most urgently-needed safe transportation routes for vulnerable road users across BC. By creating an up-to-date inventory of safe routes and then bringing together local advocates, planners, and politicians we can create more safe routes on our roads safer for all users. That includes vulnerable communities, cycle tourists, and those unable to drive. Please consider supporting this important project!
When the CleanBC RoadMap was released last October, we were pleased to see our main policy points prominently highlighted. To meet new targets to reduce travel by motor vehicles – 25% reduction in VKT by 2030 – will require new and significant policies and legislation. Ground-breaking major investments will be required in BC to meet the prescribed mode shifts for walking, cycling & public transit: 30% by 2030, 40% by 2040, and 50% by 2050.
In 2022, BCCC has met with Minister Rob Fleming, Minister Bowinn Ma, Sonia Furstenau, leader of the Green Party, and representatives of MOTI to discuss improving legislation to better protect people that bike, e-bike rebates, and active transportation infrastructure.
In May, The BCCC, along with other cycling advocacy groups, successfully advocated for a policy change at ICBC, specifically regarding vehicle collisions between cyclists/vulnerable road users and ICBC insured vehicles.
In June the BCCC hosted a webinar with insurance and law experts to inform members and the public about what to do in the event of a cycling crash.
As you can see there is more work to be done to ensure a future with safe and acessible community AT routes and meet our climate action goals.
Thank you for adding your voice to the call for safer cycling and active transportation in BC!
BC Cycling Coalition Team