Be Recognized for Your Support for Better Cycling
If your organization is concerned about the safety, accessibility and inclusivity of active transportation in BC, do something about it…and then let your current and potential customers know.
We can help you reach them, and we’ll endorse your support for the cause — that’s because your sponsorship will help us do our work, and we want everyone to know about it.
Add Your Voice & Influence Change
It’s not just about what we want—what do you, your employees, customers, and members, want for your community?
See our Sponsorship Levels
By becoming a sponsor of a BCCC program, an event, or our efforts to encourage the provincial government to work collaboratively with regions, municipalities and communities on better cycling, you effectively become a champion for that initiative.
You can help shape our research, our engagement, and our effectiveness across the province. The power of sponsoring BCCC means you also become part of the push for better cycling in British Columbia.