2021 AGM

Constitution & Bylaw Changes

At the June 21, 2021 AGM of the BC Cycling Coalition, members will be asked to vote on two motions.




That the British Columbia Cycling Coalition amend the Constitution of the Society to adopt the following as the purposes of the Society:

  • To protect and conserve the environment and to improve public health in BC through the promotion of active transportation modes with an emphasis on the use of bicycles; and

  • To educate the public on the safe and responsible use of bicycles in furtherance of the above purposes.


The current purposes of the BCCC under our constitution present challenges for a prospective application for charitable status with Canada Revenue Agency. The proposed new purposes are intended to support a successful application.

To accomplish these purposes the Society will pursue a number of objectives, goals and strategies, including the actions listed in the Constitution to date—items (a) to (i) in the Current Purposes below—and document these in planning documents maintained by the Society.

Current Purposes:

  • To represent the interests of cyclists provincially;

  • To secure their recognition in policy and programs affecting cycling as a mode of transportation, for both transportation and recreational travel; and

  • To provide support to cyclists and cycling organizations provincially.

To accomplish this purpose the Society has adopted the following:

  1. To promote the use of the bicycle as transportation and recreational travel;
  2. To ensure its recognition in legislation and policy;
  3. To integrate cycling into the transportation network and secure public investments in on-road and off-road infrastructure, proportionate to its potential;
  4. To instigate a provincial role in promoting cycling consistent with its health, recreational, economic and environmental benefits;
  5. To raise the profile of cycling with government and improve its image and status with the public;
  6. To pursue cycling safety through education and appropriate road safety laws;
  7. To support the development of local cycling coalitions and other cycling bodies to secure improved conditions for cyclists;
  8. To promote cooperation, safety and respect among all road users;
  9. To encourage more people to ride bicycles more often.



That the British Columbia Cycling Coalition change Bylaw 4.6 to read:

A director must not be remunerated for being a director, but a director may receive remuneration for services provided to the Society in another capacity.

Rationale :

The current bylaw regarding Director remuneration departs from model bylaws from the 2017 Societies Act. The proposed by-law language reverts to the model by-law language.

Current Bylaw:

A director must not be remunerated for being a director, unless remuneration is agreed to by vote at a general meeting, and the remuneration amounts are published; regardless, a director may receive remuneration for services provided to the Society in another capacity.